So many things . . .
So this past few months have been tough. There have just been so many sad things happen within the Jewish community. In June, a child pedestrian is killed walking home from yeshiva. Just another day of school for him. That was actually his last day of school, but he didn't even know it. Very recently, a teenager has a fatal overdose and passes away the first day of success. Was he trying to escape reality? Was it just an accident? What was he thinking? Parents shouldn't have to bury their children. Someone I know, and is very close to my heart made a few bad decisions, and is now in a very scary situation. Why do all of these horrible things happen? How does one cope? How do you tell a 9 year old child their older brother is never coming back? How can someone make so many bad decisions? I really feel for all of these families involved in these horrible tragedies. May we only hear good things, and may we only share in simchas. Have a great shabbos.